Sunday, August 14, 2011

First Day of School

Joseph started school this week. And although I knew he would love his first day of school, it didn't change that sinking feeling I had when I dropped him off. I've been fortunate, since I only work two days each week, to be able to enjoy my children almost everyday of their lives since they were born. And although I'll miss Joseph while he is as school, I know he loves it... Now I just need to decide how to keep Olivia entertained everyday so she doesn't destroy my house playing.
Breakfast for the first day of school

After a great first day of school

Olivia and I made Joseph a cookie to celebrate his first day of school

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Princess Chores

Olivia loves to "mow" the grass with Jeff, but this was too funny...
and yes she was wearing high heels too.

Life's A Beach

We had a great week in Orange Beach last week, but the time flew by too fast. We spent the week relaxing on the beach. Even though it rained for two of the seven days, it was probably the most relaxing beach vacation I've had. The kids were more self sufficient, and it was really nice. But it also reminds me they are growing up really fast. Joseph starts Kindergarten in the next two weeks. It is going to be an exciting time for all of us.
Joseph Loved to Boogie Board with Friends
Olivia and Jeff Playing on the Beach

Joseph and Oliva Loved the Naval Air Museum

Olivia and Andy

Olivia and Andy at the Museum

A WaterSpout we saw our last day at the beach